FAMILY ACTIVITY: Wrapping Paper Fashion Show

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If you have any leftover Christmas wrapping paper, ribbons, and bows, get ready for a runway fashion show! We did this with some of the girls’ friends when they were about 11 and they had a blast. I can still remember their giggles!

How To:

  1. Select teams of two. Ask them to pick a team name. Give them each a roll of wrapping paper, construction paper, paper bags, plastic bags, ribbons bows, tape, and scissors.

  2. Give each team paper and markers to sketch out an a few outfits they will attempt to create. Remind them to create accessories too like hats, men’s tie, purses, scarves, shoes, jewelry.

  3. Give the teams time to prepare their team introduction and description of the outfits for when their model walks down the runway. Embellish with creative words and silly descriptions.

  4. Ask them dress in something light weight that can be covered in paper. Send them to separate rooms to make the first outfit. Cut, wrap, twist, fold, drape, and tape it directly on the first runway model.

  5. Have your fashion show!

  6. Send them back into separate rooms to design another outfit for the other child to model.


  • Lay out fabric, a sheet, or a tablecloth for a makeshift runway.

  • Play music.

  • Heavy paper works best. Double up thin paper and tell your children that rips and tears are expected and okay.

  • Have an accessory (real accessories) table that they can use to enhance the outfit. Artificial flowers, bracelets, purse, shoes they can wrap paper around.

  • Add special lighting, or a fan for a windswept look.

  • Decide if you want to make this a competition and rate the outfits based on different categories.

  • If you don’t have wrapping paper, you can use other household items.

-Barbara Grattan
Ministry Leader at Friends Community Church